Foster Success Strategic Plan

The Foster Success team remains committed to supporting the success of all teens and young adults in Indiana who have spent time in foster care through thoughtful and strategic work.

In partnership with the nonprofit consulting firm Hedges, Foster Success engaged in a comprehensive research process to capture the voices of nearly 200 stakeholders who shared what they believe the community needs from Foster Success and their dreams for the organization’s future. Those voices led to Foster Success’s 2021-2023 Strategic Plan.

Under the plan, Foster Success will continue to prioritize the voices of those with lived experience in the foster care system. We also will increase and grow programs to ensure teens and young adults in foster care are connected to the support they most need to become independent.

2021-2023 Goals


Foster Success is a leader in providing equitable access to programs and resources that lead to measurable positive outcomes for older foster youth statewide.


Foster Success has a team and culture that is defined by intentional inclusivity and active engagement.


Foster Success is well-known for its transformational work with Indiana’s older foster youth.


Foster Success is increasing financial diversity and sustainability through mission-aligned fund development.

Strategy 1.A

Adapt and innovate program delivery methods and structures to reduce barriers and increase participation for all older foster youth.

Strategy 2.A

Build unity across Foster Success (board, staff, volunteers, youth) with increased role clarity and opportunities for connection.

Strategy 3.A

Implement a clear marketing and communication strategy that includes differentiated messaging and delivery for each audience.

Strategy 4.A

Dedicate resources and develop systems to equip all Board and staff to engage in fund development activities aligned with their role.

Strategy 1.B

Grow partnerships to expand impact as a provider and connector of programs and resources across Indiana.

Strategy 2.B

Ensure organizational decisions are informed by diverse current and former foster youth voices.

Strategy 3.B

Invest in systems, resources, and partnerships that make all marketing and communication efforts effective and efficient.

Strategy 4.B

Secure a variety of new funding sources to diversify the organization’s network of support.

Strategy 1.C

Build a system for collecting and reporting data that demonstrates programmatic and organizational outcomes.


Foster Success is a leader in providing equitable access to programs and resources that lead to measurable positive outcomes for older foster youth statewide.

Strategy 1.A

Adapt and innovate program delivery methods and structures to reduce barriers and increase participation for all older foster youth.

Strategy 1.B

Grow partnerships to expand impact as a provider and connector of programs and resources across Indiana.

Strategy 1.C

Build a system for collecting and reporting data that demonstrates programmatic and organizational outcomes.


Foster Success has a team and culture that is defined by intentional inclusivity and active engagement.

Strategy 2.A

Build unity across Foster Success (board, staff, volunteers, youth) with increased role clarity and opportunities for connection.

Strategy 2.B

Ensure organizational decisions are informed by diverse current and former foster youth voices.


Foster Success is well-known for its transformational work with Indiana’s older foster youth.

Strategy 3.A

Implement a clear marketing and communication strategy that includes differentiated messaging and delivery for each audience.

Strategy 3.B

Invest in systems, resources, and partnerships that make all marketing and communication efforts effective and efficient.


Foster Success is increasing financial diversity and sustainability through mission-aligned fund development.

Strategy 4.A

Dedicate resources and develop systems to equip all Board and staff to engage in fund development activities aligned with their role.

Strategy 4.B

Secure a variety of new funding sources to diversify the organization’s network of support.

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