Workforce Readiness

Employer Engagement

Become a Workforce Readiness Employer Partner! Foster Success is looking for employer partners with a vested interest and willingness to partner with our young adults transitioning out of foster care.

As an employer involved in Works Wonders, you will:

  • Serve as a site for internships, job shadowing, and work-based learning experiences.
  • Share your expertise with foster youth interested in your organization’s career opportunities.
  • Receive support for your team while Foster Success provides hourly wages to the participating teens and young adults in the Works Wonders® program.
  • Continue to support your local community by preparing our young people for the workforce.
  • Contribute to the professional well-being and personal growth of current and former foster youth and young adults.
circle icon goals

60% of young people report meeting a job-related goal.

Foster Success | Daniel Hurst

Questions? Contact Katrina Jones, Program Coordinator – Workforce Readiness   •   317-619-3426

Works Wonders®

The Works Wonders® Workforce Readiness program connects teens and young adults (ages 18-25) who have experienced foster care to meaningful employment. Learn more...

Direct to Employment

Foster Success Direct to Employment program supports young people (ages 18-25) who have experienced foster care with finding immediate employment. Learn more...

Employer Engagement

Foster Success is looking for employer partners with a vested interest and willingness to partner with our young adults transitioning out of foster care. Learn more...

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