Foster Success is a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring teens and young adults transitioning out of foster care are educated, housed, financially stable, employed, and connected to a reliable support system by their 26th birthday.
We are the only Indiana non-profit organization supporting 14-26-year-olds transitioning out of foster care through a variety of programs including:
Financial Empowerment
Financial Empowerment is key to self-sufficiency for teens and young adults transitioning out of foster care. Program participants gain skills and knowledge to save money, spend wisely, and build credit and assets. They also have the opportunity to receive funds to match their own savings to assist them in purchasing vehicles, pay for housing, or cover other significant expenses.
Educational Success
Educational Success looks different for each person. Through a comprehensive series of educational support programs, participants can access support to navigate their journey from high school to college and through the various challenges that come along with each step.
Workforce Readiness
Workforce Readiness helps ensure teens and young adults aging out of foster care have a clear path to good and promising jobs. Program participants gain the knowledge and skills needed for job interviews and the workplace, one-on-one coaching, and connections to employers.
Health & Well-Being
The Health & Well-Being programs provide holistic resources that strengthen your confidence, knowledge, and abilities so that you can become effective advocates for your health.
Youth Engagement
Youth Engagement is critical to the success and growth of every young person. There are a number of ways for teens and young adults who have lived experience in foster care to play an active part in shaping their own futures and help improve the foster care system for others. Through advocacy, awareness, leadership, and program design, young people can share their voices and experiences to create change.