IYAB + DCS: Planning through the pandemic

Feb 16, 2021 | Youth Engagement

IYAB + DCS: Planning through the Pandemic Virtual Town Hall

Join members of the Indiana Youth Advisory Board and DCS Executives in a discussion on the increased support services for older youth during the current pandemic. The increased support services are for youth aged 18-26 who have aged out of foster care, as well as for those who are currently in foster care. Topics of discussion will include increased age eligibility, continued services and supports, increased ETV for eligible youth, and continued foster care and re-entry. 

Increased support for older foster youth

Continued Older Youth Services and/or Collaborative Care Placement & Supervision for young adults through the pandemic.

1. Increased Age Eligibility

Young people can participate in Voluntary Services through age 26.

2. Continued Services and Support

Basic Needs • Housing • Financial Assistance • Education • Employment Daily Living • Transportation

3. Education and Training Vouchers

Increase Award Amount • Waiving Eligibility Requirements • Use of funds for emergency expenses not a part of the cost of attendance.

4. Continued Foster Care and Reentry

Continued placement and supervision through DCS / Collaborative Care until age 22. Ability to Reenter foster care up to age 22 – continued safety, permanency, well-being and transition planning.


All older youth (18-26) who are currently in or have aged out of foster care and workers.

Indiana Youth Advisory Board members and ETV Education Ambassadors will facilitate a discussion with DCS Executives.


Join members of the Indiana Youth Advisory Board, ETV Education Ambassadors, and DCS Executives in a discussion on the increased support services available for older youth during the current pandemic. These support services are for youth who have aged out of foster case, as well as for those who are currently in foster care. Topics of discussion will include:

  • Increased age eligibility
  • Continued services and supports
  • Increased ETV for eligible youth
  • Continued foster care and re-entry


Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 5pm EST


Zoom. Pre-register here.


  • This space is not created for debate or convincing, but open dialogue and conversation.
  • Please keep the conversation respectful; this isn’t the place to bring negativity or hate.
  • You can keep your camera on or off, whichever makes you most comfortable.
  • Feel free to utilize the chat box to engage, ask questions, or post resources.
  • GOLDEN RULE: I respect you, you respect me

Ask a question in advance

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