Job Shadow with Duke Energy

Jul 22, 2019 | Workforce Readiness

Building a smarter energy future

Are you interested in becoming a line worker or engineer?

Who: 16+ former or current foster youth & young adults (please bring a photo ID)

Where: Duke Energy (1000 E. Main Street, Plainfield, IN 46168)

When: Tuesday July 30th


  • Arrive at 9:00am to check-in
  • 9:30am-11:30 Job Shadow
  • 12pm-1:30pm Lunch & Debrief (lunch’s on us!)

What to expect from job shadowing with Duke Energy

Tour of the Distribution Control Center

Inside the DCC, Duke Energy employees monitor the energy grid around the clock and correct any issues that affect energy being delivered to people’s homes, or energy generation. Engineers and technicians in the DCC monitor the substations, power poles and lines that distribute power to 69 counties in Indiana. This is truly the nucleus of Duke Energy!

Tour of the Line Worker Training Facility & Pole Yard

At Duke Energy, our heroes are often found up high in the sky – maintaining power lines. They work hard to keep the lights on in thousands of communities, especially when there has been severe weather. This tour will give youth an opportunity to see where we train our utility line workers – including checking out the pole yard, where they learn to climb! We’ll also make sure they can see a Duke Energy bucket truck, which can lift line workers into the air so that they can perform their work.

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